
  Resources to Members by Members and their organizations

These announcements are intended to communicate information that may be of interest to the community. It does not necessarily indicate affiliation, endorsement or disagreement by Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable, its officers or its members in regard to the content, intent or other activity related to the announcement or other related communication.

Join the call for supporting children in foster care



Interfaith Protocol for Peace

Plan for Peace  [Increasing Harmony and Understanding in our Communities]

Interfaith Protocol for Peace

What is your plan for Peace



Transitioning Inmates from Incarceration- Elder Ross Workman. Utah Area Corrections Council Request for help on Transitioning Inmates from Incarceration

Template for Release Resources 103123


Kindness Perspective from Different faiths



Racial and Religious Harmony pdf version june2021

“Muslims and Latter-day Saints-- Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles.”

Videos on Active Shooter Awareness



There are multiples of resources giving Social Support during Social distancing times of  Coronovirus Pandemia. Many member organizations have started providing religious services through streaming media.  The special help social services are provided by Governments, Hospital authorities, and others.  Please request info by emailing - we will direct to the web-links.   We request our members to donate generously to local and national charities helping during the coronavirus Pandemic .

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