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Board Members [Past & Present]

Elaine Emmi [Incorporating  Chair], Jan Saeed [Current Vice Chair], Fr. Elias Koucos[Past Chair], Osman Adhmed, [Late]Lacee Harris

Brian Farr [Past Chair], Zeynep Kariparduc [Current Chair], James Jardine, Rev.Caryl Marsh, Ellie Thompson with Josie Stone, ]

J.B. Singh, Indra Neelameggham, Pamela Atkinson, Jerry Hirano, Susan Northway, Wendy Stovall, Neale R. Neelameggham, Elder Michael Bourne

Rabbi Alan Bachman, Imam Yasir Butt

Interfaith Season 2019

Sacred Music Evening 031719

Set 1 [courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints]

Interfaith Lunches

Interfaith Month events

Musical Tribute

Interfaith Events

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