This announcement is intended to communicate information that may be of interest to the community. It does not necessarily indicate affiliation, endorsement or disagreement by Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable, its officers or its members regarding the content, intent or other activity related to the announcement or other related communication.
World Interfaith Harmony Week 2025
Theme: “Healing Humanity through Harmony”
The Family Federation for World Peace & Unification
and the Universal Peace Federation
Invites you and your family to join us in celebrating
World Interfaith Harmony Week
Interfaith Prayers for Peace
Saturday, February 8, 2024
9:30 am Interfaith Prayer Service
10:30 am Fellowship & Refreshments
1969 S. View St. (1345 E.) SLC
(Parking at the back of the church)
Please RSVP to Wendy Stovall by
noon on Wednesday, February 5th.
** As a service to the community please feel free to bring
canned or boxed food for local food banks. **
World Interfaith Harmony Week
Date(s) - 02/05/2025
9:30 am - 11:15 am