Tuniyay Trailer -Episcopal Dioceseinvolvement in Uintah Boarding School July 16

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Tuniyay Trailer & Website Launch in Anticipation of Documentary’s Feature-Length Premiere
Production Recounts Our Church’s Involvement in the Uintah Boarding School
The Episcopal Diocese of Utah is proud to release the trailer and official website for the documentary, Tuniyay, meaning “to tell the story” in the Ute language. This compelling documentary examines the painful history of the Uintah Indian School at Whiterocks.
On July 16th at 6:30 PM there will be a free premiere at the Salt Lake City Public Library Auditorium. A panel discussion will follow, giving further insight into the production and some of the featured interviews. We encourage everyone to invite others to join us for this significant occasion.
In line with our church’s broader commitment to reconciliation and truth-telling, Tuniyay offers a stark look at the shared history between our church and the Ute Tribe at the Uintah Boarding School. Beginning in the 1880s, these “Indian Schools,” run by the government and various religious organizations such as ours, sought to erase indigenous cultures, languages, and traditions. The consequences were often tragic, with long-lasting trauma that still affects communities today.
               Click the link below to watch the trailer for “Tuniyay.”

Date(s) - 07/16/2024
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

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