On European Refugee Camps – Anne June 14 7 pm

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An Evening with Anne
Thursday, June 14, 2018,7:00 to 9:00 pm
Social Hall
St. Ambrose Catholic Church
1975 South 2300 East, Salt Lake City
Anne Braak Katz, a member of St. Ambrose Parish for the first 17 of her life is coming back to visit! She wants to share with us her stories about volunteering in refugee camps in Greece.
Since May of 2016 she has served 3 “tours of duty.” An artist herself, she was deeply moved by the artwork of the camp children. She warmly invites all to a visual journey to European Refugee camps, focusing on how the people of Greece and the world are handling with grace and dignity a human crisis of epic proportion.

Date(s) - 06/14/2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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