Movies on Peace July 31

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Gandhi Alliance for Peace and the Utah Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Two film classics from the nuclear weapons information genre will be screened at St. Ambrose this month: Second on 7/31, at 7 PM.
Second Film – Command and Control, on 7/31, you may have seen on television. It was inspired by the book by the same name written by Eric Schlosser. The book, a 2014 publication, was described by the New York Times Book Review as “disquieting but riveting”. The film is a PBS production of the story of a nuclear silo incident called the “Damascus accident” in the state of Arkansas, as told by actual silo crew members.

St. Ambrose Social Hall
2315 E. Redondo Ave

Date(s) - 07/31/2018
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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