Mary Magdalene Lecture -pre-zoom Sept 24, 2024 and on Nov 2, 2024

These announcements are intended to communicate information that may be of interest to the community. It does not necessarily indicate affiliation, endorsement or disagreement by Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable, its officers or its members regarding the content, intent or other activity related to the announcements or other related communication. 

Mary Magdalene Lecture on November 2nd

Free zoom Preview on September 24 

(See details below and on the attached flyer)

The Christian Science Society of SLC welcomes you to deepen your Bible scholarship with them and Shirley Paulson PhD.

Shirley will be returning this Fall to SLC, UT for an interactive workshop on Mary Magdalene, whom Shirley calls “a leader of the first and twenty-first centuries.”

Learn more by checking out the website here:

Join us for a free one-hour, online preview by registering here:

or copy and paste the link in the P.S. of this email

The Christian Science Society of SLC vision is ”Our community uplifted out of matter-based thinking into Spirit-based thinking.”

We believe that this experience with Shirley will help to elevate our community.

In Harmony,

Christian Science Society SLC

Clerk (Heidi Bradley)


801.809.4409* Mobile

P.S. if the links do not work above please copy and past these links below:

Main website for Mary Magdalene lecture:

Free zoom preview on September 24, 2024:  

Heidi Bradley

Date(s) - 09/24/2024 - 11/02/2024
12:00 am

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