Jan 3, 2021 Freedom Fireside Prayer with Governor Elect Cox

This announcement is intended to communicate information that may be of interest to the community. It does not necessarily indicate affiliation, endorsement or disagreement by Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable, its officers or its members regarding the content, intent or other activity related to the announcement or other related communication.

Please share with your congregations:

Gov.-elect Cox and Lt. Gov.-elect Henderson are

incorporating a Day of Prayer as part of their inaugural celebration.

Livestream “Freedom Fireside” Gov.-elect Cox’s official YouTube channel.

Sunday, Jan. 3 at 7 p.m.


Dear friends:


We send our warmest greetings during this holiday season and hope this finds you safe and well.


We wanted to let you know about a special program that is happening in conjunction with the inauguration of Gov.-elect Cox and Lt. Gov.-elect Henderson. This “Freedom Fireside” will feature prayers, music and speeches from various faith groups on Sunday, Jan. 3 at 7 p.m. in the St. George Tabernacle. You can find the full program here.


Because COVID is restricting in-person attendance, the event will be livestreamed on Gov.-elect Cox’s official YouTube channel. It can also be viewed after the broadcast.


Would you kindly share this information with your congregations? We’d love to have as many people of faith join in this statewide celebration as possible.


Thank you in advance for helping to spread the word about this inspirational event!

Date(s) - 01/03/2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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