Family Promise – Needs Request for Emergency Shelter

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WOW!  Family Promise is almost ready to celebrate one year of the restart of our Emergency Shelter Program.  Thank you to all the churches and individuals who have provided for our families through volunteer service hours and with monetary donations.  Just last year, we were able to place 85% of our families in shelter into sustainable housing of their own.  That is above the national average for Family Promise affiliates!  Really, it is all because of people like you!  Additionally, our 2024 goal is to double the number of families we are able to serve at one time in emergency shelter!

Because of our new growth, we are in need of a few items to assist us in serving our families.  If you have access to any of the items below, feel free to email or call me so that we can schedule a time to gather the gifts ( / 801-961-8622).  Here is the list:

– 2 small tables we can place in the bathrooms for our guests to use.

– Stollers:  Because of the number of infants we serve, we are always in need of them.  In fact, the more we have the better because we can give them away when they attain housing.

– Car seats for both infants and toddlers.

– Diapers, baby wipes and baby formula

– pre-paid cards for gas and other essentials.

As always, thank you so much.  Without people like you, our work would be next to impossible.


Brian Diggs,

Family Promise Salt Lake <>

Date(s) - 09/08/2023 - 11/24/2023
12:00 am

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