This announcement is intended to communicate information that may be of interest to the community. It does not necessarily indicate affiliation, endorsement or disagreement by Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable, its officers or its members regarding the content, intent or other activity related to the announcement or other related communication.
SAVE THE DATE: BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE – Sunday December 22nd @ 7:00 pm
Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living
4516 S. 700 E. Suite 350 (South West corner of 45th S. & 7th East)
The Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living, in service to the greater Salt Lake community is again offering a special Christmas service for all those who are suffering loss. We invite you to gather with us and others who are hurting, in a place where we can hear the familiar Christmas story, sing some of the familiar songs with no expectation that we have to be happy in the process. Tears are welcome but not required.
Hugs and blessings,
Rev. Myrna Hirst
Date(s) - 12/22/2024
7:00 pm