Aug 1 Annual commemoration of nuclear bombings

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Annual Commemoration of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Aug. 1, 7 PM,
Wasatch Presbyterian Church,
1626 South 1700 East
Prelude music: Dr. Ken Udy
Welcome: Pastor Scott Dalgarno
Vaughn Lovejoy “Restoring the Tree of Life”
“That Cause Can Neither be Lost nor Stayed” Dick Wunder tenor and composer
Tomoko Moses reading of statements from Mr. Takashi Hiraoka, Mayor of
Hiroshima 1991-1999 and Mr. Harada, close associate of Mayor Hiraoka
Tosh Kano “Story of a Survivor”
“Hiroshima Prayer of John XXIII” Bradin Wilhelmsen tenor, Dick Wunder composer
Closing: Imam Shuaib
Closing song, “We Shall Overcome”

Date(s) - 08/01/2018
7:00 pm - 8:45 pm

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