Air Protectors 360 mile Walk – Prayer aug 26

These announcements are intended to communicate information that may be of interest to the community. It does not necessarily indicate affiliation, endorsement or disagreement by Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable, its officers or its members in regard to the content, intent or other activity related to the announcement or other related communication.


We – Air Protectors-  are hoping to share our “native ways” with our community!   We are the welcoming committee for a Native American medicine prayer bundle that is currently moving its way from Bears Ears, across our state, to be delivered to the Capitol on Aug 26th!   Attached, please find an official invitation!

We are praying for solutions to our common problems. Natives believe we are responsible for the next seven generations. We pray for our grand babies and the Earth we will leave for them. We pray for softening of hearts and willing spirits to find the best answers to honor all the lives in our biosphere. We need every one. We pray for the Wasatch Front and the rural farmers. We pray for the air, water, soil, and creatures. We pray to clean up the mess of the 20th century and to move forward into the 21st century in a good way. We pray we can come together in solidarity for the things that unite us and that we have in common. We pray our differences are minimal. We pray to ensure our children have a chance of inheriting the earth that is clean from industry toxins and a sustainable infrastructure can be built. We ask that you join our prayer? Would you ask the roundtable to invite their members?  We are trying to gather 10k Allies that want to create a future for our children.

We have invited the public to gather in downtown at 5 pm at the city building 400 South State. 5:30 We’ll finish the final leg and cross the finish line to deliver these prayers at 6 pm on the Capitol hill stairs. We want to share our culture with you! I hope to see you there!

Thank you, Friends!  I appreciate your strength and willing spirits to help!

  1. If you can help , we can really use you. 360 miles is a really long way, on foot. We need runners, we need meals at each location to keep their strength up, drivers and donations. And, we are asking for a motorcycle riders escort at the 5:30 start


Cindy Maughan

SLC Air Protector 435-512-1809


Date(s) - 08/26/2019
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm

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