Advanced Care Planning Thursday, March 31 @ Noon Zoom

These announcements are intended to communicate information that may be of interest to the community. It does not necessarily indicate affiliation, endorsement or disagreement by Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable, its officers or its members regarding the content, intent or other activity related to the announcements or other related communication.
1. Advanced Care Planning
Thursday, March 31 @ Noon via Zoom
“To all Faith and Community leaders who would like to learn more about the details of Advance Care Planning to help advise their members and families please consider attending the attached free zoom program on Thursday, March 31st Noon to 1:40pm MST.  Program Outline and Registration information is attached.”
  Thank you,
    Josie Stone

Date(s) - 03/31/2022
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

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