Advance Care Planning Virtual Summit Nov 10 2020

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Comagine Health and community partners for the fifth annual advance care planning summit, as we aim to improve community and professional application of advance care planning tools in Utah.
Who should attend: patients, caregivers and family members, aging advocates, providers, payors, researchers, social workers and policymakers.
At the end of this conference, participants will understand:
• Advance care planning in a telehealth/COVID-19 world
• Best practices for advance care planning across the treatment continuum
• The difference between an advance directive and a POLST
•Strategies for inclusive approaches in advance care planning
Join patients, families, community partners and health care providers to continue the conversation about advance care planning in Utah.
Visit our website for more information including the conference agenda
2020 Advance Care Planning Virtual Summit
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020 10 AM – 1 PM MTN    No Cost – Free to all

See Flyer ACP Summit 2020 FINAL2 (1)

Date(s) - 11/10/2020
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

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