Hatch Center Symposium – Protecting our Religious Liberty

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Hatch Center Symposium – Protecting our Religious Liberty
Thursday, April 11, 2019 8 am to 12 noon
Moot Courtroom -SJ Quinney School of Law, U of U

Talks by:
Leonard Leo
Baroness Emma Nicholoson of Winterbourne
Brett G Sharps.

followed by Faith Leaders Round Table

Rabbi Benjamin Zippel [Chabad Lubavitch], Pamela Atkinson [First Presbytarian Church], Neale R Neelameggham [Sri Ganesha Temple],Elder Jack N Gerard [The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints] and Avais Ahmed [Utah Muslim Civic League]

for details see

Religious Liberty Invite FINAL

Date(s) - 04/11/2019
8:00 am - 12:00 pm

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