Mt. Tabor Event – March 18


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March Faith, Ethics, Science Roundtable [Mt. Tabor Church Event]

The Roundtable will meet Monday, March 18th at 11:30am in Room 208 (please note the temporary change)  of the Research Administration Bldg at the University of Utah.

Our guest speaker is Richard Harvey, a grad student at the U whose research interests include Artificial General Intelligence.  He will present “An Introduction to Christian Transhumanism”.

1 Poke around on the CTA website, mostly this page, the Christian Transhumanist affirmation:

2 This very good reporting on the Christian Transhumanism:

3 And this example of a theological argument for transhumanism by one of the primary figures of Christian Transhumanism:


Date(s) - 03/18/2019
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

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