Oct 29 FaithEthics Science Roundtable

These announcements are intended to communicate information that may be of interest to the community. It does not necessarily indicate affiliation, endorsement or disagreement by Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable, its officers or its members in regard to the content, intent or other activity related to the announcement or other related communication.

Mount Tabor Lutheran Church Event
Faith – Ethics – Science Roundtable
October 29 2018
11:30am to 1pm,
in Room 117 of the Research Administration Bldg
at the University of Utah.


Cancer Vaccine” Research Gets Nobel Prize — What might anti-vaccination proponents say?


Click Here for details Oct 29 Roundtable Tabor

Date(s) - 10/29/2018
11:30 am - 1:00 pm

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