Ramadan dinner -Sun. June 3, 8:00 pm

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Dear friends,

It is a time again for the global Muslim community to come together in fasting and spiritual reflection. From sunrise till sunset, Muslims refrain from food and drink, devoting time to prayer and alms giving. Fasting allows Muslims to empathize with struggles of those less fortunate; focusing instead on the spiritual nourishment of the soul. It is a month of charity, compassion, and community. Even more, it is one of the most blessing time to share our food with our friends.
We will be happy to see you with us our annual Ramadan dinner on
June 3, 8:00 pm
Emerald Hills Institute

RSVP required at:
emeraldhillsinstitute@gmail. com

Zeynep Kariparduc
Outreach/Event Coordinator

Date(s) - 06/03/2018
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

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